Publications and reports
27, June 2011 | Published : Research |
You will find on thoses pages all publication made by Iri.
Annual progress reports:
- Download the 2011 progress report (pdf).
- Download the 2010 progress report (pdf).
- Download the 2009 progress report (pdf).
- Download the 2008 progress report (pdf).
Some publications by members and residents of Iri:
- Huron, Samuel ; Fekete, Jean-Daniel ; Vuillemot, Romain. Visual Sedimentation. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE, 2013
- Huron, Samuel ; Isenberg, Petra ; Fekete, Jean-Daniel. PolemicTweet: Video Annotation and Analysis through Tagged Tweets. 2013. Proceedings of the IFIP TC13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT), Sep 2013, Heidelberg, Germany. Springer, 14th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, September 2-6, 2013, Proceedings, Part II, 8118, pp. 135-152 – Best Paper Honorable Mention – IFIP Interact 2013
- Huron, Samuel ; Mazières Antoine. Toward Google Borders . Proceedings of the 2013 ACM Web Science, Apr 2013, Paris, France.
- Huron, Samuel ; Fekete, Jean-Daniel ; Vuillemot, Romain. Bubble-TV: Live Visual Feedback for Social TV Broadcast . CHI 2013 Workshop : Exploring and enhancing the user experience for television, Apr 2013, Paris, France.
- Huron, Samuel ; Fekete, Jean-Daniel ; Vuillemot, Romain. Towards Visual Sedimentation. IEEE. VisWeek 2012 Electronic Conference Proceedings,Oct 2012, Seattle, Washington, USA, United States.
- Puig, Vincent. Digital studies: Issues of organology for individuation in collaborative practices. 2012
- C. Archat, Doctoral dissertation in Science of Education, Caroline Archat, Université Paris 8 on the image education approach and Lignes de temps, 2010.
- C. Archat, «Ce que fait l’école avec le cinéma. Enjeux de la scolarisation de l’art à l’école primaire et au collège (What school does to cinema. Issues of the schooling of art in elementary and secondary schools)», publication of the dissertation by the Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Collection « Paideia – Education, savoir, société », à paraître en 2011.
- C. Archat, «Que fait l’école avec des œuvres ? Apprentissages dans les confrontations scolaires au cinéma à l’école primaire et au collège (What does school with the works? Learning through confrontation with cinema at elementary and secondary school) », Education et didactique, avaiable in 2011.
- C. Archat, « Un outil numérique pour l’éducation au cinéma, quelles activités, quels apprentissages ? (A digital tool for education to cinema, which activities, which learnings? », Cahier des ailes du désir, à paraître en 2011.
- Monnin, Delaforge, Modéliser la ressource Web, contextualiser la référence, Sciences Humaines et Patrimoine Numérique, a day organised in partnership between Ina-Sup and Paris-Diderot University, November 25th 2010
- Monnin, Limpens, Gandon, Laniado, Speech acts meets tagging : NiceTag ontology. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Semantic Systems and the 5th International Conference on Pragmatic Web. A. Paschke, N. Henze, and T. Pellegrini, Eds. I-SEMANTICS ’10. ACM, New York, NY, 1-10, September 1-3 2010, Graz, Austria. DOI=
- Monnin, Tags and Folksonomies as Artifacts of Meaning. In : Philosophy of Engineering and Artifact in the Digital Age., Viorel Guliciuc & Emilia Guliciuc (ed.), Cambridge Scholar Publishing, May 2010
- Puig, Prié, Construire et partager des modes de perception active de films annotés, Figures de l’interactivité (ESVA publication available in 2011)
- Puig, Du témoignage audiovisuel au document : l’IRI et les métaphores du livre, online set of videos from the issue of Documentaliste sciences de l’info, November 2010.
- Puig, V. and X. Sirven, Lignes de temps: Involving cinema exhibition visitors if mobile and on-line film annotation , in J. Trant and D. Bearman (eds.). Museums and the Web 2007: Proceedings, Toronto: Archives & Museum Informatics, published March 1, 2007 Consulted April 17, 2009. – Lignes de temps, Culture & Recherche, juin 2007
- Puig, V. and X. Sirven, Lignes de temps, une plateforme collaborative pour l’annotation de films et d’objets temporels, proceedings IHM, November 2007
- Puig, V. and X. Sirven, Lignes de temps, une plateforme collaborative pour l’annotation de films et d’objets temporels, Collection A propos de. Les représentations du réel à l’écran, Ministère de l’Education Nationale/Cinémathèque française, Actes de l’université d’automne, 27th-31st October 2007
- Puig, V. and X. Sirven, Amateurs du XXième siècle, colloque Patrimoine et numérisation, novembre 2008, Culture et Recherche, novembre 2008 Puig, V., et al., Collaborative Annotation System Using Vocal Comments Recorded on Mobile Phones and Audio Guides: The Centre Pompidou Exhibition Traces Du Sacré. In J. Trant and D. Bearman (eds). Museums and the Web 2009: Proceedings. CD-ROM. Toronto: Archives & Museum Informatics. Published April 15, 2009.
- Puig, Prié, Nouveaux modes de perception active de films annotés, Colloque Figures de l’Interactivité, Poitiers, November 2008.
- M. Trefoloni, Memoire Master, 2010
- C. Jauniau, Mémoire de Master, 2010