6, May 2010 | Published : Projects |
TICTAC : Trajectory of Ideas and Cooperations of Actors in the dynamic of Creation
Type of project : ANR, Social Sciences
Partners : CEA-LID, IRI, LISST
Timeline : september 2009-September 2011
How the analysis of video image can help us understand the process of creativity ?
What specific tools do we have to develop to be able to skim through the recordings of a brainstorming and gather new ideas from it a posteriori ? The analysis of a creative session or an artistic creation through different reading grids and interests is at the core of the TicTac project. The objective of TicTac is to scientifically study both the dynamic of ideas and the cooperation between various actors during the elaboration stage of a creation, within the context of the Garage initiative (CEA-LID), in the program « semi-living objects ». The project is led in collaboration with IRI and the LISST lab (interdisciplinary lab solidarities, societies and territories). / University of Toulouse 2.
The goal of the project, supported by the ANR (National Agency for Research), is to seize and understand the variety of operations mobilized by a group of searchers and engineers centered on the conception of a technological object.
The methods of investigation will follow several stages :
- the choice of the field,
- the definition of the object,
- the participating watch,
- the audiovisual recording of collective work sessions,
- the traceability of every aspect of work,
- the interviews of the actors of the technological project,
- the publication of the creation.