6, May 2010 | Published : Projects |
Digitalize, preserve, and enable access to audiovisual archives, notably ethnographical items and recorded interviews, are one of the prime mission of searchers and museums and in the field of Social Sciences. AnthropoNet wants to go even further to enable new forms of publications opened to contribution and participation from the public. The main goal is to federate informatic tools and practices to organize, preserve and broadcast corpus of contents and digital resources from anthropology and social sciences toward :
- the valorization of results and more dynamic searching tools;
- digital publishing and exchanges between professionals and amateurs;
- the conception and production of digital multimedia contents;
- the cultural mediation within exhibitions and museums.
Partners :
• LE CONSORTIUM 2008 (soutien Adonis/Cnrs et MRT)
• le Musée de l’Homme (Muséum national d’histoire naturelle), coordinateur,
• le Musée des civilisations Europe Méditerranée (Ministère de la culture et de la communication: MCC),
• le laboratoire d’éco-anthropologie et ethnobiologie (CNRS / Muséum / Univ. Paris VII),
• le laboratoire d’ethnomusicologie (CNRS / Université Paris X / MCC),
• le laboratoire de linguistique MoDyCo (CNRS / Université Paris X),
• l’unité d’anthropologie – adaptabilité biologique et culturelle (CNRS / Université Médit.),
• l’équipe du LEDEN (Université Paris VIII / CNRS / MSH Paris Nord / MCC),
• l’Institut de recherche et d’innovation.
LE PROJET 2009 (soutien de la MRT)
Teams :
• Institut de recherche et d’innovation, coordinateur,
• Centre de recherche en ethnomusicologie (CREM), LESC, UMR 7173,
• Laboratoire d’acoustique Musicale (LAM), UMR 7190,
• Phonothèque de la MMSH d’Aix-en Provence, USR3125,
• Muséum national d’histoire naturelle (MNHN, département HNS),
• Musée des civilisations de l’europe et de la Méditerranée (MUCEM),
• Institut national des techniques documentaires (INTD),
• Musée national des arts et métiers / Mission Nationale,
• Musée du Quai Branly,
• Fédération des écomusées et des musées de société.
Initiated and backed by the ADONIS-CNRS program and the MRT (Mission on research and Technology from the Ministry of Culture and Communication-, the ANTHROPONET project reached in 2008 a first phase of work, defining itself (toward the development of collaborative tools for indexing, annotation, enrichment and editorial valorization of contents) and raising attention from a community of interest which set the priorities on four specific needs of the Social Sciences :
- enable the searcher to rapidly index the recorder materials respecting archiving norms which guarantee inter-operability;
- come up with an efficient tool to produce and index audio and video archives;
- enable the enrichment and annotation of these temporal contents to emphasize editorial valorization;
- grant searchers access to collaborative tools, but also enable mediators, museums and a public of amateur to take part in this enterprise of exchange and enrichment.
Upon reaching phase II, the project will :
- pursue its prospective analysis and technological watch and link it to the new actors of the cultural world, museums, symposiums and workshops;
- to reduce the work of phase I to audiovisual contents in SHS and focus on the activity of the searcher;
- to produce « proof of concepts » models with the softwares Telemeta and Lignes de Temps, with the assistance of involved searchers.