LivingLab i-Materiel
Published : Projects |
I-Matériel.Lab is the laboratory of the uses of mobility serving the cultural patrimony and the tourism. It is particularly dedicated to innovation, new media, intelligent objects (smartphones, touchscreen tablets, communicative tools…).
i-Matériel.Lab has been certified as a laboratory of uses in May 2011 by the European Commission within the livinglabs networks (ENoLL). A LivingLab is a life-sized test and experimentation environment for the co-creation between users and producers, for open an participatory innovation.
Our goal is the watch, the research and the multidisciplinary innovation for:
• Improve the knowledge in the fields of culture and learnings mediation and enhancing;;
• Perfect the customs and develop nomadic tools that fit these sectors;
• Encourage the immaterial economy that carries cooperative strategies and new connections;
• Study and promote contribution tools for all professional as well as amateur uses (social stakes);
• Experiment innovation in mobility in the framework of patrimonial discovery, in order to ease the designing and the chances of success on the right market, in pre-commercial or launching stages.
List of members:
Institute for Research and Innovation
Centre Pompidou
La Cinémathèque française
Issy Média