Tag : digital networks


VHB Platform

Published : Projects, Archives

1. The main challenges of the VHB (Very High Bandwidth technologies) In France, internet access through VHB (THD in french) via optical fiber should reach more than 5 millions users by 2012, and this growth should start taking on the market share of ADSL as soon as 2010 (Lemonde.fr). These telecommunication technologies of FFTx type (direct [...]

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Cinema and digital networks

Published : Workshops

A workshop promoted by the Institute for Research and Innovation in association with the regional platform THD Cap Digital, and the members of the FUI CineCast project. March, Friday 26th, from 15h to 18h in the Piazza space (Centre Pompidou). The main actors of the cultural world, both public and private, have a growing interest for [...]

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