Eulalie 2
Published : Projects |
ANR CONTINT 2009 project
Partners : IRI, TIVIPRO, ARTICLE Z, HEC, France Telecom
Eulalie 1 aimed at the exploration of the outlines of a new model of collaborative television. Taking advantage of the cooperation between audiovisual professionals (journalists, producers, technicians) and conceptors and new telecommunication services, it was trying to embed within the production of programs a new relationship of interactivity with the viewer, by inviting him to join the debate around a documentary in public space, but also to take part in its elaboration.
At the time, this first project suffered from a lack of maturity from uses and technologies, and thus could only set the basis of a new kind of audiovisual and multimedia writing. But today, as the context seems much more favorable to try more complete approaches, Eulalie 2 wants to rely on the production and broadcasting of a multi-channels multimedia magazine, which would deal with major issues and news topics, in order to deeply integrate the process of the audiovisual professions with the dynamics of enriched interpersonal communication. Thus we will not be content with the broadcasting of a merely static information : the participative part, which is essential to the the dynamic medias must follow today, is founded on the construction and the animation of social networks mixing professionals, enlightened amateurs and ordinary citizens.
The demo program (Mad Mundo) will start from a selection of questions experienced and asked by web-users from one or several countries, and will accompany them on a route that will enable them not only to meet the people in charge of those questions, but also to debate with citizens from other countries.
To do so, Eulalie 2 will mobilize the competences of the production company and press agency ARTICLE Z, and will put the platform developed by Eulalie 1 to use, with the tools of interpersonal communication ( (one-to-one, one-to-many) designed by FRANCE TELECOM R&D. Theses tools offer static and mobile web-users to bring their contributions – be they recorded on video, written, audio or visual – to the elaboration of the program and to the program itself, with interactions between the professionals of the local or international network of ARTICLE Z as well as other web-users and contributors.
Eulalie 2 will keep the objectives and assets of Eulalie 1 – toward a new model of collaborative television and participative journalism – but completes and pull them toward the new context of rising social networks :
-The articulation of a research project around a varied range of editorial applications, in order to enable a valorization of the project’s results toward editorial contexts other than the limited framework of a TV-program.
-The embedment of the technologies for collaborative video in social networks. This new objective requires the manual tagging of the videos (through forms) and the standardization of the metadata attached to them. Standardized descriptive formats will be more shareable : whether it is inside the editorial participative system of a producer, or in social networks, or through a sharing mechanism exhibiting current programs and their metadata from a personal page toward a network of correspondents (a group system), or even through the development of a dedicated API which will be downloadable and usable on one’s own personal website.
-The addition of a critical dimension within the contributive process. Eulalie 2 will not stop at bringing contributive functionalities to mass audiences, it wants to push further the critical functionalities to enhance the post-broadcasting dynamics : the interface will allow user to take quick notes (through clicks or voice) which will be synchronized to the streaming video, the interface will semantically organize notes, comments and annotations embedded by the audience in the timecode video ( with tags for ongoing polemics, that would be very useful on social and political networks, for different disciplines, or different social networks), the interface will also stimulate the enrichment process by a social or recreational dynamics (tag-related challenges and battles), will promote the appropriation of contents (personal cuts, signed views), and finally the interface will help the global sharing of views about the contents.
-The addition of a multi-linguistic dimension : beyond auto-subtitling and collaborative subtitling (which would be a first level of multi-linguism), it will enable editorial teams to build equivalences between sets of keywords to favorize the connexion of videos from different languages, hypervideo navigation and a more international debate on the issues.
The questions opened by speech-to-text technologies will be studied and integrated in Eulalie, whether it is upstream (production of the contents) or downstream (through the users and viewers of the contents).
-The addition of a professional side to the collaborative dimension : the network established between external contributors of the audiovisual project (existing social networks, general or specialized, contributors, witness, enlightened amateurs, etc.) will be extended to the professional sphere of production and realization. The promotion and definition of the grid-editing principle is one the innovating assets of Eulalie 2.
Aside from the vocation to empower citizens through the editorial ambition of the program and its participative dimension, there is a clear path toward potential interesting profits for all the actors involved in the project.
-for the producer and the journalist, it is a way to expand its shooting and creation possibilities at reasonable costs, and moreover to access new sources of contents, a regular supply of fresh editorial supply enriched with a fully-operationnal participative dimension, through the exploitation of the TiViPRO platform at first, and then through other actors of audiovisual production like ARTE.
-ARTE and FRANCE TELECOM, via VoD services on ORANGE TV, will act as innovating and interactive broadcasters of the contents achieved in Eulalie 2.
-For telecommunication operators, it will promote new emerging uses halfway between traditional services (interpersonal communication) and the new professions in the sector of contents and advanced global communication (ORANGE TV, OCS, 24/24 TV, 24/24 Video, etc.)
-Based at Beaubourg, Institute for Research and Innovation will intervene in the constitution of the interfaces for the audiovisual professions required for an efficient use by professionals – between themselves, with the audience and the participants. The know-how of this lab in the domains of audiovisual writing and contents analysis through the integration of metadata (in production) is a key asset to the course of the Eulalie 2 project.
-TiViPRO will participate in the development of specific professional modules of the platform, like tools and interfaces for cutting and editing video, with a collaborative and distributed dimension of a « grid editing » type.
-the study of the web-users’ practices and the analysis of the problems and issues of the economic model will be entrusted to a team of researchers from the HEC group.