Published : Projects |
The audiovisual contents and among them movies are more and more accessible to the public (mass diffusion of DVDs, growth of VoD websites and IPTV, use of vastly collaborative websites for the promotion of movies). The social and cultural ambition of this project is to facilitate the enrichment of contents and the sharing of point of views by large numbers through the combination of the engineering know-how of the main french movie libraries and the user-generated content from a growing public of amateurs.
But the essence of this project is industrial : it aims at the constitution of generic modules in the field of the engineering of audiovisual knowledge and social engineering (automatic detection of movie excerpts, specific search motors, API Cinema for social networks, editors for critical exploration, managers of traces and historics of activities) leading to the distribution of new contents/services specific or common to the three main markets targeted : archives and public libraries, community websites/social networks and VoD websites (sharing of annotations, of suggestions, collaborative subtitles, etc.).
The project will proceed to life-size experimentations with contents from its partners to prepare this three-axis deployment and qualitatively analyze those new practices. A submission to the Ministry of Industry has been made.
Partnerships : NETIA (chef de file), GlobeCast/France Telecom, IRI, Liris/CNRS, List/CEA, Telecom Paris Tech, Forum des Images, Cinémathèque française, BNF, BPI, Ina, Jamespot, Univers Ciné, Exalead, VodKaster, lesite.TV, Allo Ciné