Fablab Conference – June 20th :: 17h-20h
29, June 2011 | Published : Futur en Seine 2011 |
Which tools in the fablab context?
This conference organized by Iri was about the role of amateurs in the Fablabs and questioned the way he is guided through the lab (conceptually, institutionally, technologically) and also raised the question of the social range of the technology retaking movement.
Armen Khatchatourov : Introduction.
Spotlights on the projects – 30 minutes
Vincent Guimas : MagLab Mobile
Antoine Mazières : Fabelier
Session 1 : Which tools for the amateur? – 1 hour
François Brument (Ensci) : The role of the designer in a Fablab and his capacity to develop tools that enables the largest possible amount of population to co-designed objects.
Vincent Guimas (Ars Longa / Nouvelle Fabrique) : La Nouvelle fabrique : social place and social link.
Session 2 : Social stakes of Fablabs – 1 hour
Serge Proulx (UQAM, Télécom-ParisTech) : The power of the contribution culture.
Dominique Cardon (EHESS, Orange) : Objects and amateur know-how. Example of the cooking blogosphere.
Supervisor: Armen Khatchatourov